Sunday 31 July 2011

Equilibrium and Stability

Recently some relatives of mine asked me when I was going to get married. I simply replied: "not as long as I am happy". They stared at me half desperate, half shocked, obviously not expecting such an answer.
Days after, I keep asking myself whether I said anything wrong. Nah, of course I didn't.
The basics are here: health, home, family, job, relationship, friends, books to feed my soul with, spirituality, travels. I have found my balance in it all.I am so ever so grateful to life for allowing me to have it my way (most of the time), what more could I wish for?

Friday 1 July 2011

I was reading about the 20 secondary afflictions in buddhism this morning when it suddenly struck me that many of them usually rule my world. Words like conceit, inconsideration, recklessness, non-introspection, pretension are not unfamiliar to me. As an act of good faith towards myself, I decided to do a whole mala of the mantra of purification, naively believing that it would help. Well, to some extend it did as it made me realize that false pretenses are just a disguised way of saying that I will make an extra effort to be less mean.

Being a good person is a concept, I am afraid, I will never be able to grasp fully. On the other hand, I would not mind being the least 'bad' person I can. That would be perfect for a start.


Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins. Cinq minutes à pieds pour ...