Tuesday 17 April 2012


I would like to think of me as being neutral but despite my efforts my prejudiced mind is drawing me to bittersweet conclusions.The x factor , which I consider, would lift us up from our morosity is paler than ever compelling me to dwell into a 'why' factor.
Thank God, I have Kers who adds colour to my black 'n' white movie these days. His spunk and contagious energy is the perfect antidote that prevents me from burn-out. yes, he still needs the frills to get going but his snazzy pout and impish smile are sometimes all I need to load me with feel-good enzymes. his sass added to his allure is a deadly combination for me...
Still miss good old Wills though. le temps passe and I still cannot pigeonhole him, he's here and there at the same time, lost in the intricacies of his mind, trying to move forward whilst still held back by this idolatry for someone that he cannot define as master or friend.This puzzles me, given that he has a sharp mind which is honed enough to conquer the world. where does pretense stop and reality begin? but wait! here I go again with...my judgmental ways

Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins. Cinq minutes à pieds pour ...