Tuesday 30 September 2014

The eye opener

My friend Michael is here on holidays and I took a few days off to hang out with him.His recent lecture to me in the car about how I am not developing my full potential has been a real eye opener and triggered something unusual in me. It was so stimulating that it instilled in me an urge to be more 'ambitious'.

I just came to realise that there is a common factor in my many of my friends' discourses:They all consider I am not going the extra mile and the use of the word 'lazy' definitely made me uncomfortable. They all agree that I should aim higher and that remaining in my comfort zone will eventually kill me. I think they are right. I guess I can say I am lucky to have people around me who act as eye openers and help me review my perspectives. I should definitely take more risks.

The fact that people come to me and tell me the bare truth leaves me warmed and thankful.Isn't it a fact that as years pass by our insights fade and the world seem colder?But then come your friends and you see yourself through their caring eyes and suddenly realise that they want the best for you and you glow again.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

The truth about happiness

Things which made me happy

  • Travelling around europe
  • The wine roads, Cape Town
  • The Transformers 3D ride, Sentosa
  • Tea tasting in Darjeeling
  • Walking with lions
  • Swimming with dolphins
  • Having my home blessed by a buddhist monk
  • Kers's eyes upon boarding the plane for the first time
  • His smile when I brought him "Cupidon" 
  • Surprising him with tickets to the Florence Foresti show
  • Mike's wedding reception
  • Mahashivratree pilgrimage with Kevin
  • The two weeks spent with Syed in 2004

Things which make me happy

  • Dropping Sid to school every morning
  • My job - workplace - colleagues
  • Homemade food
  • Taking care of mom
  • Sending Momone to Lourdes
  • Remembering my buddhist lessons & trying to apply them no matter what
  • Reading Cabon and Prévert over & over again
  • Driving back home from work at sunset (the sky in Pailles)
  • Listening to skyfm every evening
  • My daily conversations with Kers
  • Movie time at Sadhna's on friday nights
  • Catching up with friends
  • Watching the stars from my bedroom window before falling asleep

Monday 1 September 2014

Life on an island

Je me plais à croire que ma vie sur ce bout de terre est une robinsonnade chic. Oui, j'habite une ile et j'en suis suspendu à ses humeurs.
Hier, j'ai passé une heure avec l'être aimé.Sa voix enrouée de bonheur et son sourire glorieux me font chaque jour comprendre que le monde a tant de choses à raconter.

Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins. Cinq minutes à pieds pour ...