Thursday 20 August 2015

Well wishers are good...

This morning I saw a message from my friend Ziyad and it was very heartwarming to read from him.
Then I met an aunt who told me that for an unknown reason she had been thinking hard about me earlier on, about how joyful and affectionate I am.I attended course this morning and the lecturer made some very positive comments on my assignment sheet saying that my poise and composure make of me a natural leader and he added that I am charismatic and know how to capture an audience with my smiling eyes.This afternoon my associate told me that since I have joined him in the business, projects keep materializing one after the other and that I am the luck factor that the organization needed. A few minutes ago, a friend from nowhere called me to ask me a piece of advice and told me how much my opinion was always valuable to him.

I tend to forget how often people compliment me about my eyes, about how smiling they are. I also tend to forget how regularly people call upon me when they need an advice, a caring ear or a friendly shoulder. Lastly, it would do me good to recall from time to time that I do bring positive energy wherever I go.

Saturday 8 August 2015

Yellow Coldplay Sax Cover

That stranger in me

There is a stranger living under my skin these days.
He is a sad guy.
Today he was in a reflective mood and thought about leaving my skin.
Then, he made someone cry by being mean.
Sad people are mean. They need to hurt people to be able to define themselves.

I need to have a serious talk with that guy and ask him to leave.
This ain't good, this ain't good at all.

Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins. Cinq minutes à pieds pour ...