Thursday 30 September 2010

To wit or not to wit? A haiku experience

Di pain frire
Sorti dans karaye
Satini cotomili dans bol

La plie tombé
Toit  tôle fer tapaz

Zenfants galoupe piéni
Kassiette enba laboutique

Mama attane kot la porte

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Daily checklist

Daily Checklist
Wake up with a smile

Open the curtain, look at the sky, wink at it

Blue, grey, dark, it doesn’t matter.
Dress nicely
Try to

Work devotedly
No matter how big the workload
Have a good laugh
Very important
Nurture Relationships
(or kick some asses)
Enjoy a nice meal
Healthy or unhealthy
Think about loved ones
Be open minded and kind
Try, try, try
Be a lil’ crazy
Avoid having bad conscience
Try to
No success guaranteed
Go to bed tired
If not, grab a boring book or read this blog

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Tools, instruments and means

I sometimes walk through life claiming that it is unfair but then Paulo Coelho comes to my mind and I cannot help but think about all that he had to go through before eventually becoming a writer. His parents had him sent for therapy in a mental institution because of his love for writing. This  must have taken place in the early sixties and I cannot believe people could still act like this with their own child, especially past world war II. Coelho however used all the tools, instruments and means that life would offer him to finally have it his way.

We are surely all in possession of treasures such as consciousness, wisdom and freedom of thinking which we can use as a platform for enabling us to reach out for our dreams. These are powerful tools that can change our destiny but they are also those which we simply choose not to use because it is so much easier to whine, complain and indulge into self destruction. Everyday I follow an evolutionary path trying to become better, yet I hardly realize it. As soon as I get entangled into petty things, i.e almost every hour,  nothing else dawns upon me than how to resolve issues and find solutions to 'situations'.

I, somehow, fully adhere to the principle that any act of faith can redeem the whole human race anew.I just need to sit back a few minutes and become a clever judge of situations. Paying more heed to my hunches might definitely help me in performing more and more 'acts of faith'. After all, the world is such a beautiful place to be...

Saturday 25 September 2010

Je te sais

J'ai toujours su quoi dire
Mais depuis que je t'ai connu
J'ai su comment le dire

Plus question de je t'aime
Mais tout simplement de je te sais

Toi qui fus autrefois
Cet horizon lointain
Riche de toutes les possibilités

Tu es désormais
Cette mer vaste et généreuse
Sur laquelle navigue mon coeur

Obsédé sensuel

Samedi matin. Je me mets à l'ouvrage. Il ne s'agit malheureusement pas d'oeuvre ici mais bel et bien d'ouvrage, petit et insignifiant, de tricotage grossier sur clavier. J'ai créé un blog, autant l'alimenter de quelques fioritures.
Je remplis comme je peux ces quelques lignes avec l'aide de mes cinq doigts (trois de ma main droite, deux du gauche), mon cerveau et mes oreilles qui écoutent Prince susurrer Sign o' the times sur youtube.
Après Bob Dylan, voilà que Prince s'est mis de la partie lui aussi fin des années 80s avec son signe des temps.Gnome et petit génie prolixe qui s'est malheureusement laissé happer par son égo surdimensionné au fil des ans. A quand un autre "1999"  ou un autre génial "Purple Rain"? De la musique comme on n'en fait plus beacoup.
Même si à peu près tout a été dit sur Prince, il reste quand même pour moi le deuxième plus grand obsédé sensuel artistique que j'ai eu l'occasion d'écouter jusqu'ici. Deuxième car le premier reste tout simplement indétrônable: Marvin Gaye.
Si la musique avait du glamour (Prince), de l'urgence (The Clash), de la joie (les Beatles), son sexe appartient à tout jamais à Marvin Gaye. Jamais quelqu'un n'aura autant transpiré de la sensualité mêlée à de la grâce. Douceur, caresses, orgasme, que du bonheur!
Hmmm, je compte bien passer quelques heures avec James, Otis , Marvin et Stevie.Finalement, il ne s'annonce pas si  mal ce samedi ;)

Thursday 23 September 2010

Sailing into the unknown.

Everyday I sail into the unknown. Although the day starts with a set agenda of duties, tasks and chores to be performed hour after hour, some questions still arise about the whys and the wherefores of me performing them. Of course, part of the answer lies in the fact that I need to earn a living, look after my family and loved ones, etc, etc... Truth is, this answer does not satisfy me completely and there is this annoying feeling that  some stones are left unturned.
Getting back to my initial statement, I mean that I am a sailor on an unknown sea doing things I have to do as a human being but not understanding the purpose of it. I live, experience joy and pain, sometimes encounter with bliss and terrible sufferings, face problems, find solutions to them, all that to eventually die one day. At life's dusk I know I will never find the answer to that ultimate question of what my purpose on earth was. This might seem frightening but then, why should I bother so much about it? It must probably form part of what many call the great Mystery. I do not really have any "duty" to perform on earth except that of following my dreams and enjoying every single minute of what life has to offer.
Though it's all up to god, my lil' finger tells me that he'd be pretty cool about that and would not mind letting me having it my way :)

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Lose yourself

A few days to go before I resume work. This morning, I took time to listen to the heart of the universe beating. I was immersed in one of those moments when you don't feel your body anymore.You remain silently immobile on the grass, stare at the sky with a quiet smile and lose yourself in its vastness until you become hypnotized by its purity. Slowly your eyelids become heavy and your five senses vanish, you become one with everything. This sense of emptiness is gradually replaced by an unbearable lightness of being. This is the moment when you feel the heart of the universe beating, this is the moment where everything makes sense.

Monday 20 September 2010

The Times They are a-changin'

The times they are a-changin' goes the song by Bob Dylan. When he scratches his six string and whispers: "and accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone", i start questioning myself:: is Bob referring to the cycle of life and impermanence or is the end of everything really close? actually, come to think about it, it happens everyday. Buddhists call it khuddaka marana, meaning 'small death'. It takes place when something makes way for another; the sunset makes way for the evening, night makes way for sunrise and the dawn of a new day.
I, myself, continuously have to reassess my own self (and ego) through the eyes of those i am in contact with every single day. when i pull the blanket at night, somewhere deep into my conscience a few thoughts crop up. The range is much too wide. It goes from " Fuck, I should have told her that? Why didn't I speak up?" to "Bien bon! Mo kontan mone réssi kass so la guele." Truth is, there is nothing more annoying than this uncomfortable sense of what I should have done and said versus what i actually do and say. I can feel petty or happy but where do I really stand? Intentions lead to thoughts which in turn lead to actions...the basics of buddhist philosophy.
How long will it take until I start converting right thoughts into right speech and actions? Well, I better get starting or else I'll soon be "drenched to the bone".

Sunday 19 September 2010

visit, bad news, past = a sunday morning package

Sunday morning, i just got a call that a dear friend of mine's father has passed away during the night. brings me back to last year when my dad left us and all the hurt and feeling of isolation that followed. I cannot say we got over, we never really get over these kind of things but we managed to get through somehow.
My leg is plastered and I have been in bed for the past 12 days, following surgery. I will go to church this afternoon to attend the funeral. I will get out of bed and go there no matter what because that's what friends do. They stand by those they love, silently sharing their pains in times of trials and their joys in other moments of life.
I don't have a clue why I created this blog. The idea just came like a spring out of nowhere.I hardly know how to use the internet.
My neighbor came to visit me this morning. He got the news that I broke my leg and came to see how i am doing. I was moved by his concern and attention. He is past 70 years old and is following a dialysis treatment. I should be the one visiting him more often. I feel awful. so much for bad conscience.

Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins: cinq minutes à pieds pour ...