Saturday 31 December 2022


Why do we tend to keep the time of reflection and introspection for the end of the year as a kind of closure when it should be an ongoing process? That said, if you ask me what 2022 had in store for me, I will simply tell you that the year has been kinder to me than I expected. 'Tout ne tient qu'à un fil' dit-on généralement, disons que j'ai fait de sorte à ce que ce fil soit suffisamment solide pour que l'harmonie règne au sein de la maison et dans ma vie de façon générale.

Antish, lui, a connu des heures plus sombres, de grands moments de solitude où je n'ai pas pu faire grand chose pour lui sinon le garder dans mes prières et espérer qu'il trouve le courage d'accepter de faire face à la réalité tout en se transcendant et tenant les doutes et la vulnérabilité à distance raisonnable. Tel le prince Sidharta qui jadis quitta son royaume en quête de vérité, il s'en est parti traverser les épreuves de la vie en quête de validité. J'espère qu'il saura trouver les mots pour nous faire le récit de ce voyage initiatique, on aura tous tellement à apprendre de lui. 

Every chapter of our life challenges us just like those same chapters need to come to an end before new ones begin. I think this is the real beauty of life, looking forward to writing new chapters, slowly letting go of unnecessary thoughts and mental formations, giving up on limiting beliefs that we have about ourselves, accepting that there are as many kind-hearted people and well-wishers in the world as there are rude and aggressive beings.

This year has been dominated by war, a war causing pain and we cannot stick our head in the sand and ignore it. Oppression, domination, enslavement, ignorance, fear all have causes and causes can be eliminated and because causes can be eliminated, I have hope for a better future. Maybe not in this life but...eventually, somehow.

2022 is drawing to its end, 2023 is loading and my wish is for people to finally rest their head on safe pillows at night and wake up to peaceful mornings. I know that the nature of existence will not allow this to happen any day soon but we are close to midnight and wishful thinking during the hours that precede a new beginning does carry its load of magic, so here's to a better new year and to new beginnings. Cheers!

Friday 9 December 2022

It was all worth the wait

Those uncanny feelings I had on the eve dissolved the moment our skins touched. Breathing the same air, on the same ground revivified us and when the boat carrying you sailed to faraway shores at dusk, I sat by my window and reflected at how easy it was to laugh with you again during those precious few hours that December offered us.

Let the image of us sitting high up on deck 11, with Port Louis at our feet paying its respect be engraved in our beings forever. Always remember how during a micro-second, we felt as if the harbor, the bustling city centre and the mountain range all silently bowed to us telling us in its own quiet language: 'you are part of us, we are part of you, we are your homeland, we seek your blessing and we give you ours.'

Not in a million years had we imagined that December would treat us with such a tender and romantic moment. Thank you for the most special x-mas gift ever my love.

Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins: cinq minutes à pieds pour ...