Saturday 24 October 2015

Rien ne ressemble autant à l'amour, que l'amour-propre flatté

L'amour-propre ne lave pas le coeur, il fait juste semblant
Le coeur, justement, le voilà pris dans un cercle-vicieux qui excite l'auto-dérision; genre de message subliminal passé à la conscience.
Le courage intérieur est pris de court même si épris de justice.Les murs du fort du for intérieur sont abattus, jetés à même le sol laissant ainsi les audaces de la première heure conclure une alliance avec l'ennemi juré, la morale.
Brandissant son glaive, Oscar Wilde arrive sur son poney nain. Il n'abdiquera pas. "Appuyez-vous sur vos principes, ils finiront bien par céder" hurle-t-il à qui veut bien l'entendre.
Mais, les fidèles ont déserté la place et les sons des tambours qui autrefois inspiraient la peur se traduisent désormais en un bruit plus intime et sensuel. L'instrument donne la cadence même à la couleur.L'intangible est le nouveau crépuscule des sens.

Sunday 18 October 2015

Mauvaise communication

Dieu s'invente homme
De temps en temps

L'homme s'invente Dieu
Tout le temps

Combien de fois
Les deux se sont-ils rencontrés?

Nul ne le sait
Car chacun trop occupé à passer son chemin

L'homme écoute Dieu sans comprendre
Dieu écoute l'homme sans comprendre

C'est à y perdre son latin

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Of Skins & Sheets

Before, behind, between, above, below
                                          My roving hands let go

                 We entwine, we interlock

I sizzle at the touch of your fresh flesh

And kiss your wrists and your soul
                                               In sweet agony we TOSS

                                                                     Our limbs exhausted by their labour

                           We pray for the night to never end

Else to lay in bed in fatal stillness

Fine Young Cannibals - I'm not the man I used to be (HD 16:9)

Friday 9 October 2015


Labels are ridiculous. You are you. You know exactly who you are meant to be, and not what others say, bla, bla, bla...

Would it still sound ridiculous if I was to label myself today? A careful choice of words required here, please. Thank you.

@ 09th October 2015

Thursday 8 October 2015

A delightful package

Dear Zulfi,

On your special day, a few words for you on my blog.
What a delightful package you are. Artful with words, polite and extremely kind, your inability to be cynical and mean just awes me every passing day.
Loyalty and trust are cardinal virtues you embrace in life and having been my friend in the true sense of the word all these years makes me appreciate your worth. 
If you were to run for President, I would definitely vote for you :)
Happy Birthday Monsieur Zulfi, you are a

I wish you enough happiness for ten lives

Saturday 3 October 2015

How do you measure your own worth?

Dear Ash,

What have you been learning all these years?
What would you do differently if you could turn back time?

I would not mean to pry and, mind you, there is no self-pity & no self-indulgence implied here; only the bare reality of who you are and what you have accomplished.

The result is not very brilliant, right? Hmmm

Back to basics:
What is it that you are the proudest of, Ash?
Honestly? Nothing?

I wish I could list down here a few things that I am really proud of but there are none I can think of.
On the other hand, when it comes down to listing things I am ashamed of, well, that's another story. A much easier exercise.

I am ashamed not having been able to hear Kers when he was calling out for me.
I am ashamed for not being able to nurture a sane relationship with Kal, the person I care the most about in this world. I am so sorry Kal but I am a walking bomb and being in my company is not safe for you. That will not help you in your search for a stable relationship. I just need to make sure you are in safer place than me. It's the least I can do for you who have been such a wonderful friend. I hope one day you understand that I am trying to protect you here, not harm you.
I am ashamed of my dysfunctional relationship with my sister, ashamed of not trying hard enough.
I am ashamed of not having been able to make my father proud of me the way the other siblings did.
I am ashamed of not having been mature enough to let go when Hash and Sim had already switched off.
I am ashamed of being such a sentimental jerk who does not understand anything about love.

Now, referring to the above question about pride and bringing it one notch down (I ought to be a little bit more indulgent here) it goes something like this:

Ash, Is there anything you have done in your life that makes you proud of yourself?

Seriously, there must be at least one.

You know what,? Go to bed, just go and get some sleep.
You are getting fuckingly annoying here.

Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins: cinq minutes à pieds pour ...