Saturday 31 July 2021

Nothing lasts forever so yeah, thanks for the good times

There's nothing much to say actually if not thanks for the past 22 years Shaf. Maybe I did something wrong. Maybe not. Truth is that I will never know since you never addressed any issue to me directly and if today you feel you don't need to be around me there must be a reason behind, a reason which I will not question because life is too short to get emotional about choices people make.

I simply want to address my gratitude to you for sharing with me 2 decades of friendship where we truly had each other's back, where we never argued or fought, where we travelled to Paris and KL together, spent weekends in hotels and guest houses together, where we went for crazy road trips, where you were actually the first friend I brought for a ride when I bought my first car, where we shared indescribable moments of laughter and fun, where we shared so many dinners at each other's, where I was the witness to your first engagement, where you tried to protect me even when I did not need to be protected, where I reprimanded you because I wanted you to grow and you did the same for me. Yes, I want to thank you for reasons that are too many to list here because 22 years of friendship cannot be recapped on the few lines of a blog. And even if I know that you will not read these lines because that's just not you, I will have it printed here on the cloud as a reminder that our friendship was everything but bland.

So, thanks again for having allowed me to be part of your journey and no need to look back, it's just the past. Look ahead instead and enjoy the rest of the path.

Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins: cinq minutes à pieds pour ...