Sunday 29 December 2013

love, relationship, love, relationship, love, rela....

Love is love.It is a but a mere emotion.Period.

Relationships on the other hand, oh my, what I can I tell you? They say they need to be healthy to work.As if, we didn't know that.
There are all sorts of theories on how to make a relationship work.Big words like honesty, accountability, trust, respect, equality and so on are evoked.Thing is, we all have our weaknesses and we sometimes fail to understand that love does not necessarily save the day.

The first half of the year saw me asking whether our relationship was enough to sustain love and the second part whether love was enough to sustain our relationship.We are hitting the 7 year itch, so will we make it? I don't have a damn idea.Is love still relevant? Yeah, most probably.

All I can do from my side is to hold on to values and freedom of thought.
What about romance in all that? Well, just another collateral damage.shit happens.

Thursday 19 December 2013

And through it all...

sings Robbie Williams.

I woke up early this morning, just to listen to the house breathe.
It felt reassuring to know that it all in all, it had witnessed a quiet year and that good care had been taken of it such that in return, it protected the whole family from (un) intended harm.
Home truly felt like the safest place to be in this year of the snake, knowing that quite a few tragedies were taking place out there in the big bad world. 2013 will not be wrapped with greasy paper nor tied with a golden ribbon. By now, we all ought to know that it's the way of the world that things go awfully bad or surprisingly well sometimes. The bad came with the demise of loved ones, the end of relationships, rejections, failures to launch and the good came in the shape of new found wisdom and peace of mind.

Projects for 2014? Well, the usual: Aim for the moon and with some luck fall on a star.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Chapter 41

(Chapter 41 is in fact chapter 40 revisited. Same will apply to chapters 42 - 49)

What happens from age 40 to age 41?

1) You realize that the company of a bottle of wine is sometimes better than that of a lover. You can see, swirl, sniff, sip and savor with no supervision knowing its languorous taste will flirt endlessly with your senses.

2) You decide to patch up with everyone.
You fear that middle age crisis will hit you straight in the face when you least expect it and since you are running out of time, you tell yourself that the only way out is to make amends. Tolerance becomes a key word in your vocabulary.

3) You remember there is something called a 'retirement plan' and decide to check its status. You hesitate between increasing it or plan another trip whilst you are still 'young'.

4) You eventually opt for the trip and leave the rest to destiny.

5) You start watching documentaries and think that there is something illicit about that new coziness

Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins: cinq minutes à pieds pour ...