Monday 26 December 2016

R.i.p George - You forgot to Wake me up before you go go!

I took this poster out of my chest and put it back on the wall today.
The first, tape version, albums that I bought as a teenager were 'Make it Big" by Wham! and Madonna's Like a virgin. It costed Rs30 back then.Souvenirs, souvenirs...

Madonna, Bitch! You better NOT be next, else I'll just have to go jump off a cliff.

Wednesday 21 December 2016

A year ago, I was visiting Momonne with a birthday gift. This year, she is no more.
December is not really December without Momonne.
                                                                              life goes on
                                                                                          ...yeah, life goes on, I guess


Thursday 15 December 2016

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Love is in the (polluted) air

My cousin Hishana is getting married tomorrow. She asked me to step in as her brother during the religious ceremony, something which I found significantly moving. Although we are not that close and she never really opened up to me, she insisted in having me endorse that role instead of her other cousins.

Things did not actually go quite as planned during the wedding preparations; invitation cards sent to those not appearing on the guests list, miscommunication regarding the 'geet gawaye', father of the bride shockingly absent or indifferent during the whole week of preparations, decoration going all wrong, gown of bride's sister not delivered on time for haldi ceremony topped up with a few crisis situations which were followed by tears and arguments. Stress, one might think, bad organization in my humble opinion. I am confident though that everything will come to a happy end by tomorrow and we will all finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

I personally think that when, prior to a marriage, situations get so weird, it becomes a sign that the relationship is going to last till the very end. This young couple sure seems to be a quirky duo, one that has been set free to wander around in this mad world, a world comprising our now infamous chachi Sado who, we are absolutely convinced, must have already set out on her gossiping mission after taking the last munch of her puri at dinner last night. I tend to believe that in another life, chachi Sado must have been one of those mean ladies whom Oscar Wilde must have inspired himself from to write his novels.Well, I am sure that her venom won't hinder this lovely couple from building a small world for themselves, one inside which they will learn to nurture love and to be happy.

After dinner, Sunil made us laugh with stories from his childhood memories. His recalling of the time he was helping in the sugar cane field or going to the movies for 50 cents was a feast for the ears. He is such a great story teller, I seriously think he could turn professional. He got me all visualizing myself walking back from the movie theatre in Riviere des Anguilles to Camp Diable in the darkest hour of the night all heart pounding, anticipating the wild spanking from my father. And his description of Dara Singh pé batte ene tablissman mové was uproarious.


Tuesday 29 November 2016

Extrait: Le moine et le philosophe

Pourquoi est-il si important de distinguer la vérité relative et la vérité absolue? Tant que subsiste une confusion entre le mode ultime et le mode apparent des phénomènes, tant que nous croyons que les phénomènes ont une existence en soi, notre esprit est envahi par un nombre incalculable de pensées, d'émotions positives ou négatives. On peut bien sûr tenter d'appliquer à chacune de ses émotions un antidote particulier, la sympathie pour contrecarrer la jalousie, par exemple. Mais aucun de ces antidotes n'est capable à lui seul de couper la racine de l'ignorance, notre attachement à la réalité des phénomènes. Pour trancher cet attachement, il est nécessaire de reconnaître la nature ultime des phénomènes que l'on appelle vacuité. Pour celui ou celle qui a atteint l'omniscience de l'état de Bouddha, il n'y a plus de dualité entre le mode apparent et le mode ultime des choses.La perception des phénomènes apparents subsiste, mais cette perception n'est plus fausséee par l'ignorance qui consiste à prendre ces phénomènes pour des entités intrinsèquement existantes. Leur mode ultime, la vacuité, est perçu simultanément.

Monsieur Salvadore et Monsieur Ray Charles. My best birthday gift ever :)

Thursday 3 November 2016

Why not make a story more interesting?

I was in a low today, I switched on the tv and started watching this biopic about the extravagant Diana Vreeland, the iconic columnist for Harper's Bazaar and chief editor of Vogue magazine. I had never heard about her before and 90 minutes was all it took for me to be in total awe. Those happy few who have an extraordinary capacity of mixing and matching all the colors in their palette are simply irresistible. Mrs.Vreeland flew over the decades with poise, elegance, a flawless sense of taste, vigorous energy and enough intrepidity to set new trails in fashion. She would dare go where no one had ever set foot before. That also, without ever worrying about what people would say. She said that there is nothing more important in life than style, mainly the one you carry in your attitude.Obviously I spent the whole afternoon reading about my new found friend and delighted on those exquisite quotes of hers:

“A little bad taste is like a nice splash of paprika. We all need a splash of bad taste—it’s hearty, it’s healthy, it’s physical. I think we could use more of it. No taste is what I’m against.”

“I think when you’re young you should be a lot with yourself and your sufferings. Then one day you get out where the sun shines and the rain rains and the snow snows and it all comes together.”

Saturday 22 October 2016

Guess who is coming to town? :)

So I managed to get my ticket to the A.R.Rahman concert for this coming december. 3500 tickets on sale since yesterday and the sold out is already announced for tomorrow. Lucky me!

I can hardly contain my excitement. Like millions around the world, I have been listening to his music since the mid-nineties and to me Rahman is the musician of new departures. His ability and talent in bridging the gap between carnatic music, using traditional south indian instruments, and modern sounds is an absolute feast for the ears. No wonder universal validity has been bestowed upon him for such insight and musical ingenuity. Et puis, il y a l'homme lui-même, one has to admit that he is the epitome of humility and simplicity, of softness and authenticity. This quest for bettering his soul  with clear-sighted earnestness through his raags and melodies simply illuminates his inner being and shows the character and depth of a person permeated with lofty idealism. If there is an elite in this world, A.R.Rahman is surely the maestro leading the parade.

I can't believe how blessed I am to get to watch him perform live with his 31 musicians. 2 hours of utter bliss. It is such a good life :)

My favorite passages from The Picture of Dorian Gray

It posed the lad, made him more perfect as it were. Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic. Worlds had to be in travail, that the meanest flower might blow...
And how charming  he had been at dinner the night before, as with startled eyes and lips parted in frightened pleasure he had sat opposite to him at the club, the red candleshades staining to a richer rose the wakening wonder of his face.Talking to him was like playing upon an exquisite violin.He answered to every touch and thrill of the bow...There was something terribly enthralling in the exercise of influence.No other activity was like it. To project one's soul into some gracious form, and let it tarry there for a moment; to hear one's own intellectual views echoed back to one with all the added music of passion and youth; to convey one's temperament into another as though it were a subtle fluid or a strange perfume; there was a real joy in that - perhaps the most satisfying joy left to us in an age so limited and vulgar as our own, an age so grossly carnal in its pleasures, and grossly common in its aims...

'....I don't want to see him alone. He says things that annoy me. He gives me good advice.'
Lord Henry smiled."People are very fond of giving away what they need most themselves.It is what I call the depth of generosity.'
'Oh, Basil is the best of fellows, but he seems to me to be just a bit of a Philistine. Since I have known you, Harry, I have discovered that.'
'Basil, my dear boy, puts everything that is charming in him into his work. The consequence is that he has nothing left for life but his prejudices, his principles, and his common sense. The only artists I have ever known, who are personally delightful, are bad artists. Good artists exist simply in what they make, and consequently are perfectly uninteresting in what they are. A great poet, a really great poet, is the most unpoetical of all creatures. But inferior ones are absolutely fascinating.The worse their rhymes are, the more picturesque they look. The mere fact of having published a book of second-rate sonnets makes a man quite irresistible. He lives the poetry that he cannot write. The others write the poetry that they dare not realize.'

Monday 3 October 2016

One year later

03rd October 2015. I posted a few words about self-worth.

An appraisal exercise one year later reveals that things have evolved positively simply because they were meant to.

There is a saying which goes "mieux vaut allumer une chandelle que de maudire l'obscurité".
By trying to help Vimla go through a painful process of reconstruction, I figured out that I had supported myself too. Actually I don't know if I have succeeded in helping her out totally because she still refers to death now and then but I am trying my best and whatever the outcome, there cannot be any failure as from now on. I tend to think that what really attracts me in people are those things that they hate about themselves, their vulnerable side, their phobias, their weaknesses, their illusions.

Boris gave me a book today. He has no idea what this simple gesture has triggered in me, how it has moved me profoundly. Of course, it had to be "The picture of Dorian Gray", why this book, I will never be able to fathom but it HAD to be this one because I fucking dig Oscar Wilde. I always think that if the latter was to be cast in one of today's reality show, he would totally rock it. Boris is so 'entwined' in his own complexity that it makes him disarmingly charming and attractive. Despite all his intricacies, he is actually the most normal, sensible, balanced and positive person I have met these past years. I keep saying it all the time but truth be told that the guy has a tremendous positive influence on me. It is the first time after a very long period that I have come across someone whose issues are not really...issues yet. Simply put, to me Boris is the landmark that brings it all together, a gentle reminder that there are sane and emotionally intelligent persons in this world who make a difference in others' lives by not faking it, by being themselves.

Take a zest of Vimla's craziness, Boris's smartassness, Nasreen's freshness, Akash's meditativeness, put it all in a shaker and out of it comes a nectar which provides you with a daily spoon of lightheartedness.

It's amazing how Life just tastes a little bit sweeter in endearing company.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Embarrassed Neutral Faces

Last night a guy saw me from a distance and walked up to me greeting me warmly. I had absolutely no idea who he was and thus made a pleasant face to remain polite. A few seconds into the chat he realized that he had mistaken me for someone else. I could not help but notice the changing expression on his face. He tried as hard as possible to conceal his embarrassement and carried on with the chat in a most casual way. It was awkward and funny at the same time as I had to play along and entertain the conversation with the usual: where are you working these days? still at  uuuhhh... + a pause to allow him to take over

Weird, weird, weird.

when you try to contain your embarrassment - I

when you try to contain your embarrassment - II

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Chinese checkers

When your life starts resembling a chinese checkers board, where you race across that hexagram, hopping from one cell to the other in all possible directions, using different strategies, trying to get to the opposite corner, it's high time you take a short halt and ask yourself where the fuck has all your craziness gone? hmmm, no sprinkles of laughter these days, that's pretty annoying.

The freshest person I have met lately is Nasreen, a bundle of joy worthy of all attention. I love the way she rolls her eyes and replies "oh, really?" to any of my cynical comments. She reminds me so much of the Simla I adored, only in a softer tone. When the person who has been your role model for years turns out to become a mean, bitter and egocentric bitch, you need a moment, a landmark, a sidewalk chalk line on the macadam to mark the moment when she fell off the wagon and you decided not to follow her anymore. I guess it's just a rolling reminder of the fragile nature of our emotional stability. Still, this slide into self lapidation is sad enough. Even sadder when the person rejects all help, leaving you on the look out for a momentary lapse of reason where you can intervene. One year, two years...five years and counting. The mutation seems irreversible.

Come to think about it, I used to be someone's best friend and role model too and soon enough I could well be tagged as the friend of a friend...Aaaggghhh!!! When you go from 24 carat gold, to low carat and then to no carat at all, what a downfall! It is happening though, my expiry date as a best friend is due on 30th march 2017. Will that be a sequel to the 2004 horror movie or will it be new gore? Honestly, I am more than curious to see whose names will figure on the invitation list. At least I know where and by whose side I will be on the wedding day. One needs to take a stand in life.

Seriously, where was I? Ah yes, why don't I simply re-energize my level of craziness now that I have found someone I can call and share it with :)

Sunday 21 August 2016

What to say when you talk to yourself

Vimla attended a haldi ceremony last evening. The girl's mum passed away during the ceremony and most guests had to leave to allow the family to mourn. On the eve of what is supposed to be a girl's most beautiful day, her wedding day, her mum passed away. Could this be any sadder?

I visited Prisyl home today and was surprised to learn that Tête de fion, her cat, is no more. We used to talk about Tête de fion all the time at the office, the ugliest cat with the ugliest character ever. He would allow anyone to pet him then all of a sudden would start biting and scratching. We had concluded that the cat suffered from bipolar disorders and recommended an appointment with a shrink. The hypothesis was that Tête de fion had had a troubled past. Maybe meowing it out on a couch would have helped. My personal opinion: he was simply pissed to have been given such a name. My poor left leg still remembers his claw shots.

This week I decided to have a serious talk with myself. I sat down at corner bakery in bagatelle with a cheese croissant and cardamom tea. You can't go wrong with those two items, especially if your mood is off. I was all set for some self ass-kicking. I had been complaining quite a few times about the fact that I had to deal with people around me changing for the worse. The same old question inevitably came up again: Do those I love need to get better in order for me to be happy? The answer is: of course not. This is utterly absurd and leads to the real question: Is there anything you can tell yourself that you are not already aware of anyway? Ahaa...

So, what do you say when you talk to yourself? Self-indulgence could be a good topic to start with. There is nothing better than simple-minded pleasures sprinkled and throwing away useless feelings of guilt.

Monday 15 August 2016

Mirror, mirror, WTF happened last night???

When you go out for dinner with friends expecting this
but it turns out like this

...and this

and you come back home doing this face

Honestly, I am a bit pissed right now, almost embarrassed in front of Zulfi who had the purest intentions in organizing this dinner.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

My 09th of August 2016

Woke up to this sky

Went to work at my beautiful office

Had Sabre training :$

Had lunch with the girls at Baga

Drove back home in a gorgeous sunset

Watched Kennedy St Pierre win his match - Rio 2016. Felt proud to be Mauritian!

Talked with Mike who was in the metro

Listening to Wonderful Life by Black before hitting the pillow

Saturday 6 August 2016

Citius, Altius, Fortius

I am thinking about this incredible quote from Jim Carrey who once said: "Everyone should become rich and famous and do everything they dreamed of just to see that it's not the answer".

Kers came to see me this week and he said things which upset me a little. I was not mad at him and chose to keep my mouth shut as it was preferable to avoid any argument. He was about to celebrate his birthday and it would have been cruel/inconsiderate to spoil his mood. I took time later on to reflect about what really got at me. Was it because I felt I was being judged or simply because he was speaking the truth, a truth I could not bear to face? That got me thinking about my failures but when speaking with Zulfi last night it suddenly dawned on me that I would not be the person I am today had I not gone through these failures. There is nothing wrong about failing. Failing does not imply any lack of success, it just shows you that sometimes you need to take an opposite direction or a longer way to get to your destination but once you get there, you know that those bags you brought along with you carry a heavier load of experience.

This week,a lady, whom I know from nowhere, approached me at coffee break: "Hey I've seen you before. You were working at Solis. You quit your job as a manager to take up a job as a clerk!?!" She sounded seriously outraged. I very calmly answered: "Yes, I did" which made her almost I did not add anything else because there was nothing else to add.Actually, I was more concerned about her choking than her remark. As far as I am concerned, this lady obviously must have a very limited view about life and what makes people happy.

I stayed up all night to watch the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympics and I admit I was very moved by the speech of Kipchoge Keino when he became the first recipient of the Olympic Laurel. I liked the theme revolving around trees, the message concerning global warming and the parade of the refugees under the Olympic banner. It brought a needed humane touch to this celebration. I have been following the games since 1984 and have never missed any live broadcast opening ceremony since then. Barcelona 1992 was creative, Sydney 2000 was fun, Beijing 2008 was spectacular, London 2012 was cool but Rio 2016 is by far the most moving one.Citius, Altius, Fortius.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Rendez-Vous Snack

Informations défilant au bas de l'écran sur une chaine people ce soir;

  • Alizée a adopté un chien
  • Nabilla est apparue topless sur une plage

Ma grande source de frustration: m'être attardé dix minutes sur cette chaine.

Aujourd'hui j'ai déjeuné à 'Rendez-Vous Snack', un boui-boui à Port Louis. Je m'y suis arrêté parce que j'ai trouvé que les propriétaires était habités par une certaine passion pendant qu'ils servaient les clients. On eût presque dit que l'argent leur paraissait secondaire et que tout ce qui leur importait c'était que les clients apprécient leur cuisine. J'y ai mangé le meilleur pain maison la daube poule de ma vie.
Un plat de riz, daube de poulet, salade de laitue/carotte, salade de pomme de terre, achard de légumes +  un grand verre de jus sunquick est affiché à Rs80, ce qui équivaudrait à 2 euros. La portion est celle qui nourrit un enflé camion kan so ventre kriye loraz. Le patron parle fort et semble un peu brusque mais dans le sens affectueux du terme. J'ai vu un vieil homme acheter un dipain diber et demander qu'on lui remplisse sa bouteille 0.5 coca de jus sunquick. Il a reglé le tout Rs25. Cela m'a fait de la peine de constater que certaines personnes se nourissent toujours de dipain diber en 2016.
Demain je retournerai à ce boui-boui, si le vieil homme y est, je lui paierai un déjeuner. Je viens de recevoir mon premier salaire après un an :)

Sunday 31 July 2016

News from the land down under + family secrets

My friend Simon whatsapped me from Melbourne this morning:
Quick group update, Mum overdosed yesterday is in emergency department at Frankston hospital will be moved to mental health ward tomorrow to start shock treatment...I guess accepting dad going into permanent care then her brother dying and then trying to adapt to living alone was a bit too much for is fine happy in his nursing home.Dog is being lodged in Berwick at a pet motel and I am exhausted...keep u posted Simon xxx
All this sounds quite depressing.I hope life eventually harbors everyone in a safe place where they all find peace of mind.

My brother and his family are going for a road trip. They will drive westwards from Beijing for about three days up to Qinhai lake. They also want to dip into the grasslands of inner Mongolia on their way back. I can't wait to see the pictures of what promises to be an awesome adventure.

Last year, at this very same period, Vimla was on her way to Lhasa and had stopped in Ladakh. She sent me pictures of places of such beauty that I thought they were out of this world. She stopped in a tiny village and asked a lady where she could wash her hair as she had been travelling for ten days without being able to take a proper bath. The woman graciously invited my friend inside her dwelling, heated some water in her pressure cooker, asked her son to go get two small samples of shampoo from the nearby hawker, invited my friend to lie on the bed and washed her hair. She lives in a 15 house with her family. This story is like a warm broth on a cold winter evening.

On another note, yesterday, I chatted with my uncle for the first time. He is my father's half brother and his existence had been kept secret for eons from us. It was a well known fact that my paternal grandfather was a womanizer but a lesser known one that he had another child out of his marriage. I came to know about the existence of my uncle just a few years ago and I never knew what he looked like. With the help of FB, I managed to trace him back and was glad and relieved that he accepted my friend request. When Vimla told me that he came to her center, I decided that it was time for me to break the ice and I sent him a message following which we started exchanging. The reason why he kept such a low profile throughout all his life was because he did not want to bother the 'clan'. The dark side of the moon is being revealed. 'The past says a lot about your present ' goes the saying. Maybe there are answers to be found, maybe not.

My brother might be going to Mongolia but my expedition to the land of the unknown seems more daunting.

I can't believe how much I love this version

Saturday 23 July 2016

20th to 24th July Scorecard

Wednesday afternoon walk
Purpose of meeting
To boost incumbent up
Catch phrase
Mone pense pou mett fin a mo la vie
Action taken
Mone zoure li, zoure li,zoure li
She says she is feeling better now
Friday Evening Dinner
Baba, Shaf and Boule
Purpose of meeting
To celebrate Shaf's graduation
Catch phrases
Mone guélé fort fort kan michou ine mort/ I am getting married and was waiting for this dinner to tell you/ I took a sentimental commitment towards the girl but broke up with her today / I, too, want a glass of wine
Friday Late Night Phone Sex
Un parfait inconnu
Purpose of chat
Catch phrases
Tone vini?
Typed a thank you note after the steamy virtual sex session but sent it to the wrong person!!!
Saturday morning
Purpose of meeting
Reconnect with neighbours
Catch phrase
Yassin Owadally on the newspaper sheet taken to get rid of dog poo in the garden
We were absolutely delighted by Iqbal's visit
I felt lighter
Saturday afternoon
Purpose of meeting
Catch phrase
Je ne me sentais pas à l'aise en arrivant ici mais finalement j'aime bien l'endroit
:) :) :)
Good vibes for the rest of the day
Saturday evening
Blue Sky Team
Purpose of meeting
Dinner at Heritage Le Telfair
Catch phrase
Qui c'est qui a une saucisse à table à laquelle je pourrais goûter?
Honestly, does that even call for a reaction?
Can't wait to start operations
Sunday morning
Purpose of text
Bury me six feet under
Catch phrases
To pou touye moi ! / Kifer? / I am thinking about getting married too
Grands Dieux! Achevez-moi!
Ah well, tant qu’on y est…

Thursday 21 July 2016

Rosemonde Ménard (1943 - 2016)

Your song for the world to listen has ended
To me, it will remain a timeless melody
A delicate reminder of how you made me feel
These past thirty-three years; awesome & singular

Back then, you reached out to a ten-year old kid
And the rest is history...our story
One rooted in trust, laughs, strength, authenticity
And that unflinching will to be honest

On your death bed, I sat 
And whispered to your ear
That you had mattered,
That the purpose of your life had been fulfilled

Though your eyes remained closed
I could feel the shiver through your being

You can rest in peace, my friend
To trigger happiness inside human hearts,
To love and to be loved unconditionally till the end
Is the attribute of the lucky few

Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins: cinq minutes à pieds pour ...