Thursday 27 September 2018

Shukriya Anoushka ji

When you do not plan to go to the Anoushka Shankar concert and you end up getting free tickets as if it was written in the stars that you had to be there. 

and of course... of course, you can't escape it, you end up having an unforgettable time watching a mesmerizing performance by the artist.

yes Anoushka, we get it that you are a virtuoso just as your father was. but beyond that mastery for your art, I was so very moved by the intensity of the relationship you share with your sitar. was it you playing the instrument or you being the instrument of the instrument?

by the way, why did you seem so surprised by the response of the public? did it not occur to you, any single second, that we would fall head over heels for your talent, devotion and sense of engagement for humanitarian causes. 

Sitar is not my favorite instrument. but watching YOU play the sitar... fuck that is quite something!!! 

                                                                       Shukriya Anoushka ji

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Mercredi 11.08.93 - 21H29

Dans la rubrique objets trouves, je suis tombe sur un journal intime que je tenais dans ma prime jeunesse ;)
Je m'appretais a faire le grand saut vers la decennie de la vingtaine et en relisant ces lignes, cela me transporte soudain vers une douce nostalgie de ma periode post adolescence.
Je jetais au vent des interrogations cosmiques sur mon devenir et me demandais si 20 ans pouvait etre considere comme le plus bel age de la vie?


Thursday 13 September 2018

The stealer of time

Always there comes a time where your weariness catches up on you. you get weary of your own politeness and good manners, you get tired of being the patient listener, the understanding friend, the dutiful son. All you look for is a way to escape towards newer shapes and secret colors.

My walk on the beach after work today won't be melancholic or one during which multiple epiphanies will hit me. I will just walk to steal time from time and offer it to myself like an extraordinary, precious gift which will allow my pounding heart to settle softly and find its real place in this world. It will be the moment when I will let the silence consume me before the sunset. It will be the moment I will distinguish serenity from happiness.

Friday 7 September 2018

People I know

Are there adequate words to describe the people I know ? Too many yet not enough...

I heard about Nicolas's miserable story from Wills
I heard Mike's uncanny story about Tomislav
I heard Shaf's curious story about his current relationship status
I heard Zulfi's odd story about a wedding prospect
I heard Jasmina's sad story about her burn out and depression
I heard Vim's painful story about her parents

How far can we travel to lose ourself?
How far can we travel to find ourself?

Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins: cinq minutes à pieds pour ...