Friday 29 December 2017

Wrapping up the year in style...

The only words that come to my mind are those of John Keats from his Ode to a Nightingale.

My heart aches and a drowsy numbness pains my sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk.

I would like to revamp those words into 'My heart glazes and a drowsy numbness delights my sense, as though of bubbles I had drunk...

...and being too happy in thine happiness 

                                                                   and use only the nice notes to express my feelings

I have never experienced such ecstasy, such bliss, never been in such perfect communion with someone
                      It is as if I had blended into that person to become just one

     Fireworks were lit in both our bodies last night, the flame of pleasure that ignites destiny

                                               Could there be a better way of ending the year?

Thank You Babes!

Tuesday 26 December 2017

Christmas 2017: Spirit, spirit & spirits

How was my Christmas 2017?

Well, it was a family gathering around the decorated tree in true christmas spirit to talk about ghosts and spirits, followed by dinner at Patrice's house where wine and other spirits adorned the table.

Friday 22 December 2017

The Holiday Season As I Love It

Christmas is more special than ever this year.
Seeing the sparkles in the eyes of those I love sends me on cloud nine.
It's about the moments we spend together more than the gifts themselves.
I wanted to make my people feel special and make them understand that this how they make make me feel all the time.
Did I spoil them? Actually, I wish I could have done more...
What I am doing this christmas is nothing compared to the bliss they bring into my life.

The Incomparable Joy of Giving

With its flaming flamboyants, could summer be more majestic?

Friday 15 December 2017

December / Walking in the shoes of gratitude

Halfway through the month of December and what can I say? I've been around people I love, enjoying doing things I like, going to work every morning with a smile on my face, savouring my favorite dishes, decorating the office with enthusiasm, laughing with friends, spending endless hours watching the sea, swimming in the warmest lagoons, going for long drives, admiring the milky way in the summer sky, looking out for shooting stars, making wishes...aaaaahhh, so far, so good.

I wear my shoes of gratitude everywhere I go.
Because magic takes place everyday in my life.
This year magic came into a few unexpected forms:
- Getting a dream job
-An air ticket to NYC
-The warm comfy hug of a friend at the airport 
-A night of passionate love making until dawn
-A wooden box containing a copy of 'Leaves of Grass' by Walt Whitman
- A morning message reading: ' Having someone who can handle all your moods is such a blessing'

 As the year draws to its end, my thanks go to my tribe and my friends for their indefectible support and patience. A special note goes to:

Boris: The Warrior of Kindness, the embodiment of caring and patience.
Antish: The Once in a Lifetime Kind of Person, sweetness personified.

Saturday 2 December 2017

Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins: cinq minutes à pieds pour ...