Saturday 30 January 2016

There's more to life

The more I look at Patrice, the more it strikes me; one's life cannot be defined by a relationship which is not working. There's more to it. I would like to scream to him: c'mon man, just let go and start living, you are looking hopelessly miserable.

You cannot give anyone the right to hijack your life like this.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Cosmic Knights

Nine stars sing in the sky tonight.
Constellations dance at the moon's tune and I watch in contentment my thoughts fly in the airglow towards yours.

A strange rendez-vous within the slopes of the night where our minds meet and embrace
Gods bow respectfully

We are the cosmic knights who dwell into the confinements of eternity
We are the essence of infinity

Lueur ou Leurre

L'heure tourne et je n'entends que leurs 'on-dit', à travers les haut-parleurs
Hâbleurs, railleurs, racoleurs qui ne vivent que du malheur de ceux en pleurs
Rêveurs, rassemblez vos valeurs avec candeur. Tout en douceur, retrouvez votre grandeur
Et faites de ce leurre, une lueur

Saturday 9 January 2016

The raw and the cooked

This week I did something completely unusual by chatting with an 18 year old chap on a platform. He was mature and told me that intellect should not be defined by age. That was a wise statement and reminded me of this raw side of myself when I was his age. I went to sleep with a smile, happy having come across someone who, despite pretending being completely fucked up, is quite sharp-edged and will no doubt embrace a bright future. Such a defined personality will never be able to go unnoticed. People like him are made to stand out and should never try to fit in in any way. I just hope he does not give into pessimism or start creating his own hindrances on his path to success. Dark thoughts can only lead to dark habits and subsequently to a miserable life. The future will tell if he is smart-ass enough to understand this.

I also got to exchange with a guy called Vinesh who only took selfies. He seemed to be nice at first and then disappeared without leaving any trace. I need to thank him for keeping me grounded by making me realize what these types of platforms are for; an arena of people showing off their physical aspects, a meat market which leaves very little space for la bienséance . Forgetting this would be perilous and I think that, a few months down the road, I am finally figuring out what I am doing there. The cooked and formatted part of me being in search of a lost illusion, this process has been necessary so far in my healing. One tends to tread on strange paths on the way to redemption. Always stick to ground rules and have fun when you need to have fun. The body needs to be respected as much as it needs to be celebrated, it's up to me to find the balance.

The raw and the cooked Ash, the devil's own ;)

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Banané alé, banané vini

Banané alé, banané vini, fami la ress folledingue meme

Hier soir ti ena dinner familial kot mo soeur a flic-en-flac, tou banes tontons, ma tantes, cousins,cousines, névés, nièces ine persser, mari seryé. Mo pren plaisir ek mo banes ma tantes, mo dire zott kan nou ti tipti nou ale fer banané kot nani et la fin la soirée kan tou fami alé, sakene done so kamarade ene ti cado mais aster vu ki zot tou ine vine banes seniors citizens avant zot allé mo pou donne zot ene paké omega 3 , calcium, ene voucher pou re-alle fer zot fausse dent kot dentiste, ene massaze pou zot lartrite, implant sévé tou sa zot fine bien riyé

Mami Yo ine gagne sommeil lor sez après line tape 2 whisky. ene kout li appel mwa li dire moi;" Rode ene mari pou moi", mo dire li si li oulé ene ki blond li avec lizié blé, li reponne mwa: "mo pa bizin étranzé, morisien meme gagné blond aster, zot teine zot sévé". I have always had a soft corner for her, she has always been hilariously funny and a real force of nature.

Bannes névés, nièces fer zot ti groupes apart sakene dans ene coin lakaz pou koz copains/copines. Mo mama, ene sel kou ine gagne la force, li galoupe partout li guetté si tou dimounes ena so verre ou bien fine manzé. li partout a la fois,li dire moi, ale serss sa, passe sa gajak la, demanne tonton ki li pou boire, mwa mo kouma dire au milié ene cyclone.

Ena oussi banes fami ki kouma zotte arrivé zot dire Nou pa pou tro tardé, ena ene longue la route pou kondir dan nwar apres. Normal, zot meme ki bane derniers pou kite fê
Tou dimounes koz fort, raconte zistwar kan nou ti tipti kouma Malini ti brigand et ti fer nou avoye kout rosse lor maraz so la tete pou l'enterrement nana, kouma li ti pe louk mamoo sanju et avoye tiping lor li dans la salle de bain kan li pe baigner. Mawsa Anand ine sou nette après li dire bizin garde 'parampara' dan fami, nu bizin kontinyé zwenn kum sa.

Mo fami, mo fami oh, zott tro komik et mo bien kontan zott

Friday 1 January 2016

Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins: cinq minutes à pieds pour ...