Wednesday 7 December 2016

Love is in the (polluted) air

My cousin Hishana is getting married tomorrow. She asked me to step in as her brother during the religious ceremony, something which I found significantly moving. Although we are not that close and she never really opened up to me, she insisted in having me endorse that role instead of her other cousins.

Things did not actually go quite as planned during the wedding preparations; invitation cards sent to those not appearing on the guests list, miscommunication regarding the 'geet gawaye', father of the bride shockingly absent or indifferent during the whole week of preparations, decoration going all wrong, gown of bride's sister not delivered on time for haldi ceremony topped up with a few crisis situations which were followed by tears and arguments. Stress, one might think, bad organization in my humble opinion. I am confident though that everything will come to a happy end by tomorrow and we will all finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

I personally think that when, prior to a marriage, situations get so weird, it becomes a sign that the relationship is going to last till the very end. This young couple sure seems to be a quirky duo, one that has been set free to wander around in this mad world, a world comprising our now infamous chachi Sado who, we are absolutely convinced, must have already set out on her gossiping mission after taking the last munch of her puri at dinner last night. I tend to believe that in another life, chachi Sado must have been one of those mean ladies whom Oscar Wilde must have inspired himself from to write his novels.Well, I am sure that her venom won't hinder this lovely couple from building a small world for themselves, one inside which they will learn to nurture love and to be happy.

After dinner, Sunil made us laugh with stories from his childhood memories. His recalling of the time he was helping in the sugar cane field or going to the movies for 50 cents was a feast for the ears. He is such a great story teller, I seriously think he could turn professional. He got me all visualizing myself walking back from the movie theatre in Riviere des Anguilles to Camp Diable in the darkest hour of the night all heart pounding, anticipating the wild spanking from my father. And his description of Dara Singh pé batte ene tablissman mové was uproarious.


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