Tuesday 2 November 2010

Undefined relationships

The strange thing about undefined relationships is, as infuriating as they can be, you never truly want to put an end to them. They always start on a charming and light note which give way to giggles and smiles, then within months they become routinely unusual and later end up being intriguingly awkward. As soon as the first fights get in the way, the 'Beware' signboard is to be displayed. Those disagreements or disputes which are the equivalent of small emotional strains lead to confused minds and hearts and this is where the danger gets real and this is also when you need to pull the brake.

Being in an undefined relationship implies that there is a strong need for independence and freedom but at the same time still hoping to be tied to someone. "I want you as much as I want my space. Now that I have my space, I want you. Now that I have you, give me my space. I want you in my space. I want you out of my space.I want neither you nor space... Fuck! I don't know what I want anymore!". Once you are over with the 'wanting' you immediately start indulging in the 'needing'... aïe!

All that an undefined relationship can achieve can never be enough to replace all the maturity of a defined relationship. This is a fact. But then, who likes facts? I ask you. The potent magic that exists in an undefined relationship is something which goes  way beyond words. It resembles something like silent understanding, there are no expectations and no exclusivity involved,  there is no sense of direction. It's like sailing adrift in a sea without paddle.

Undefined relationships can be great only as long as they stay sane and painless.For this you need to avoid the tricks, traps and complexities of the mind and heart.

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