Sunday 27 December 2015

Let's have a mouthful of stars

What 2015 taught me.

1) No matter how hard you try, you cannot retain people in your life. There are some who choose to walk away(Kers, Daniel), some whom you need to walk away from for their own good (Kal) and others that sickness takes away from you (Momonne). True, it is heartbreak all the way but then, who would like a bland and dull life exempt of these emotions? I like to think that when your heart breaks, this means you have loved deeply and sincerely and it is a privilege to survive it. It opens up the way to other dimensions within yourself.

2) L'amour se conjugue à la première personne (dixit Kama)
Self-love is not for losers. It is for those who have gone around seeing and experiencing enough of the world to understand that loving oneself is the real deal.

3) One needs convictions and objectives to survive in this crazy world. Values and beliefs are sustainable qualities, the supporting ground from which the ascent begins but convictions and objectives are key words which give us a purpose in life, it adds up some texture and gives us something to reach out to.

4) I am a good person.

2015 belongs to 2015
2016? It will be up to me to choose which part of the cup I decide to look at.
Why cup when it can be a glass; a glass of champagne...bubbles, bubbles and bubbles all the way :)
Let's have a mouthful of stars!

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