Monday 30 May 2016

Enjoy it! It's happening right now!

I wish the additions to the list would stop, mais bon. 

2016's count so far: Little Ashwan's suicide, Momonne's deteriorating mental condition, Kiran's cancer, Shaf's unexpected wedding announcement ( which clearly rings the bell to the end of an era), Zul's project to leave for good, Vimla's struggle, Ajit's car accident, Mum's fragile health, Kers's (dis)stress level reaching its peak...

Need I worry about all this getting at me? Pas tout à fait.

Let's climb the mirador a few minutes and see things from a different perspective. People around me are going through different stages of their lives. Sometimes their predicaments are slowing them down and as much as I feel concerned and love them, I, myself, am pretty safe. I mean, I have no health or mental issues, no loans to repay, I have a roof over my head which provides me with the basic, quiet comfort that I need and I am surrounded by members of my family who are supportive and give great advice. The only dark spot would be this broken relationship with my sister. It's been almost 5 years that we are not on speaking terms and I guess we have both given up all hope of communicating again one day. That used to affect me but since the beginning of this year I have decided that her resentment towards me will not deter me from feeling fulfilled.

I am lucky enough to be able to take small steps towards what I consider to be the right direction. This is always better than taking a big leap forward only to stumble and not be able to get up. yeah, yeah, I do become a sentimental wreck from time to time but only in fleeting moments. Usually, it does not last very long before I smile again. This life has so much to offer, there is so much to explore, so many movies to watch, so many books to read, so much good weather to enjoy, so much music to listen to, so many encounters to come. Honestly, wouldn't it be disrespectful towards life to be unhappy?

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