Monday 20 June 2016

Sid's letter

I shall keep it concise and meaningful. You have wholeheartedly accepted my presence under your roof for the whole of my teenage years, a period through which the meaning of "home" I knew not. Yet, with welcoming arms, you have never failed to trigger in me a sense of belonging. I want you to know that my silent nature has never been synonym of coldness or ungratefulness. I am beyond thankful for the blessing that you represent, and I truly appreciate your seemingly effortless dedication to cater for my needs and well-being.
Circumstances are such that I have deemed radical measures to be necessary in order to undertake a most heartrending and murky chapter of my life. But when I look behind, it is unquestionable that you have sealed your place as a pillar of my adolescence. Your warmth of personality shall be missed. I sincerely apologise for having deserted so ungracefully. Thank you for everything.

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