Sunday 23 December 2018

Merry X-Mas Antish

My dear Antish,

You being on the other side of the world this year, the only Christmas gift I can offer you is this message.

Someone once expressed her wishes for me and I was amazed by the extent to which her good thoughts influenced my life positively. I have wishes and dreams for you too and I hope they will be a guiding light in your life.

I have a dream that you keep on filling your heart with great compassion and kindness towards others and that it makes you happy always.

I have a dream that you are able to discern the people, activities and possessions that are most important to you and that you are able to give each of them their time and place according to their priority.

I have a dream that you have the courage, firmness, determination and persistence to perform the tasks that you choose and that they lead you to success.

I have a dream that you accept the truth about the talent you possess; that of bringing joy in people's lives spontaneously and naturally, a privilege given to a happy few.

I have a dream that you grow in wealth in every sense of the word and that you are never in need and that whatever your wealth is, you share it with all.

I have a dream that you discover a deep inner peace, the peace that comes from knowing who you are, where you are and where you are heading for.

Above all, I have a dream that there will always be someone walking by your side and holding your hand, someone you can cherish and who will make you want to become a better person, a companion who can walk with you, know you, share your joys, support you in your trials and comfort you in your hardships.

                                                                                   My blessings and prayers will always be with you
                                                                                                          with love and affection
                                                                                                                  Merry x-mas

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