Friday 21 June 2019

The tattoo inside my heart

Having my initial inked on someone's skin is an act which moves me profoundly. I never expected this to happen so when Antish explained to me the symbol behind his first tattoo, I could hardly contain my tears. As he stood in front of me on the small beach nestled between The Hilton and Sugar Beach Resort, I could notice the lights blaze in the dusking sky and, a few meters away, a child play in the chill of the day. His words were soft and tender as always. He stuttered a little at first, trying to capture the feel of the moment and translate it into words. Then, as he started talking to me his eyes looking right into mine, the flow became fluid and the intonation more confident.

This self assured way he has to tell me that no matter what happens he will always be here to look after me is comforting. More than that, I know it to be true. Because it's Antish and Antish is like no other. There are steps that life will teach him to climb but there are also inspired ones inherent to him that bring him to heights which are unattainable for the poor mortal that I am, qualities that make him the fascinating being that he is.

Have you ever noticed how true feelings make everything simple, how they turn our existence into a peaceful reality?

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