Thursday 8 August 2019

Actions and one reaction

What an intense week it has been since last Wednesday!

Antish has had a very honest conversation with me regarding the way I act and behave with people to whom I am attached. It just never really dawned on me that I tend to be overly affectionate with some people and my gestures of tenderness may sometimes be mistaken for a flirt. There is a great amount of truth in it all now that I have been tendered a lens to analyse my behavior. I usually act like someone who constantly needs to charm and seduce people, not because I desire or am attracted to them but simply because I want their attention drawn towards me. I think that as a general rule, most human beings have the tendency to do the same but in my case, being the sentimental jerk that I am, I mix up everything and tend to act as a boyfriend with my friends and as a mate with my lover :(

I am so ever thankful to Antish to have resolved handling this conversation with me with great tact and sensitivity. He has proven again that he could give this life-forging relationship of ours a safe and sound direction and bring it to another level.Consequently, he places his primary emphasis on working to improve our future.

Have you ever met someone who made you face your own delusions in the smoothest possible manner, someone whose sentences are so very carefully crafted that it avoids creating any anxiety in you when pinpointing your flaws, someone who tells you about the mistakes that you have made while feeling a great deal of compassion for you at the same time ? Well I, for sure, am one lucky bastard to share the life of such an extraordinary human being.

My Crazy, Sexy, Cool, Kind, Smart, Intelligent, Caring , Fun, Compassionate,
Significant Other

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