Friday 20 September 2019

Apocalyptic September

September! What are you doing to us? You will be remembered as the month where we lost Valsha, where Farah's cancer is worsening, where Vimla’s and Shaf’s respective mothers have been admitted into ICU into critical states, where Anikesh's mother has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and where my mum’s younger sister, Didi Pratima has been diagnosed with renal failure.

My mawsi fell into a coma for a few hours last Tuesday and gave us the fright of our lives. Since then, we have been visiting her every morning at hospital and even if we are relieved that the dialysis treatment is finally working on her, the pain she seems to be going through is almost unbearable to watch. To make things worse, in the midst of all this apocalypse, a fight also broke at home opposing my two sisters to my mum. I suddenly found myself rushing from work to pacify a situation which left me with a pretty ugly scar - I had to put a band aid on my heart and contain my frustration for a day or two. To top it all, I had a rather infuriating argument with Antish yesterday. It happens very rarely that we argue but when we do, it leaves me with a deep sense of uneasiness and discomfort because he is the sweetest and most (over) sensitive person I know and I am aware that my brashness can easily annoy him.

Well, what can I say? We have entered the Pitru Paksha period and my guess is that there is a resurgence of negativity in the air that we need to bear with - I forgot to mention that calamity struck again at the office. We have until the 28th of September for this inauspicious period to reach its end. I am doing my best to rise above all this but please September, please , please, please, no more bad omens, that’s just as much that I can deal with for the time being.

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