Friday 6 December 2019

Case Study

I was called in for a special treat last week-end for my birthday. With his magic touch Antish made it special by pouring his heart out organizing a surprise for me and what can I say? Special, it was. An impressive cake, a lovely dinner, slow-mo dancing under water bubbles and thought-provoking conversations completed a moment which was both tender and sweet. Actually, I think that my Instagram pic comment describes the evening quite well. It reads: 'There was love. A whole lotta love.'

All good things coming to an end, the day after saw me stepping,unprepared, into an uncanny week at work, one with its load of  unpleasant surprises :(

I cannot but reflect on the fact that my work place is the perfect setting for case studies of human behavior. In a case study you examine a real-life situation with all its complexities to discover what factors might contribute to outcomes. The situations that are under the magnifying lens here at work are various, they go from tragic love affairs, theft, bullying to throwing tantrums to people, if not objects. These never-ending dramas are directly connected to the laws of karma and I often choke when I witness how ill-treated people are, how the effect of harsh words and actions slowly destroy their self-worth and how these same people allow other individuals to vociferate at them, thinking they are deprived from the right of expressing themselves freely. At times, I step in and pacify situations but my actions are limited and it also requires constant energy to do so.  I wonder how I succeed in facing such negative energies. Maybe it is because they are not directed at me specifically or because I have a lot of protection. I try to help, support and console those who have been struck by lightning here. This could be my true purpose after all, who knows?

Mounia, our Rodrigan cook, has been thrown out of her rental this week. She found herself on the street at 10pm with her suitcase and bag with nowhere to go. That also after a series of catastrophe at work which almost led her to depression. She left her 02 kids with her mom to come and strive for better life here but instead found herself trapped into modern slavery. Thank God she got support from all the colleagues who decided to get her out of an impossible situation. She has just spent these past 03 nights at Sandiana's and Nanda got her a small apartment in Vacoas. I am offering her a whole month of grocery. Her case is one out of quite a few that I happen to witness and my daily prayers of the morning are directed towards trying to find in the teachings of the Buddha a way to soothe peoples' heartaches. In a way, they all have karma that they are cleansing.

"If we want everyone to be well, we need to rethink everything that we do and the way we are doing it in the world." - Sadhguru. Life brings to us so many case studies on an every day basis. We experience the very essence of it without understanding it, so we suffer. I think we should simply let go of all of our fears and accept the fact that we deserve each and everything that happens to us, no more, no less. The idea is not to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. What is it that makes it so hard to strive to get out of certain situations and improve our conditions? We are here to serve life, not to make something improper of it.

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