Thursday 28 October 2010

The laws of friendship

Let it be known that more than being a mere mirror, a friend is an adventure, an exploration, a quest and a discovery all at the same time and happy is the heart that shelters friendship.

Comforting and tender thoughts invest my mind tonight as I recall countless souvenirs. I once decided to set out on a  journey that undoubtedly made me venture into numerous pastures before I could eventually come up to the conclusion that my friends saved me, more than once, from hazardous situations . To sum it up, I would simply say that friendship stands for humanity in its humblest form.

Friendship involves both courage and wisdom; courage to stand up and face those you love and respect when the going gets tough and wisdom to know what are the boundaries which are not to be crossed. Even sincerity sometimes comes in second place - we are never completely sincere to ourselves, let alone to our friends...

Once you have discovered that the laws of friendship provide a richer texture to life as well as to memories your soul suddenly feels relieved, knowing it will never feel alone. It is the greatest feeling of all.

Friendship? Hmm, lemme think: Two cups of capuccino in a coffeeshop after dinner on christmas eve. discussing the next holiday trip. snatches of laughter. planning and feeling enthusiastic together. making projects. yeah, friendship...

1 comment:

Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins: cinq minutes à pieds pour ...