Sunday 31 October 2010


I have realised that the frequent shifting attitudes of people often bewilder me. My questions pertaining to the cyclic changes of situations resulting in mood swings thus remain unanswered. I, myself, am a victim of that and when it happens, people around me are the unfortunate recipients of my unpredictable comments and reactions. Where does all that spring from? Frankly, I do not know. A friend tells me that it is a result of low self esteem and a lack of fulfilment.My ego, of course, will never allow me to agree with that. Incidentally, even my common sense disagrees with that.

Fortunately new sensations, feelings and even awakenings do arise to spice up my life and luckily enough it happens more than just once in a blue moon.My co-star in the home made classic called " Flirting with life" is the one who ignites the fire in me and keeps me under the limelight all the time. Had this main character in my movie not existed I would still be muddling through, unable to explore new avenues of life. So, to my partner I say: Thank you for making life imitating art imitating life so interesting.


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