Saturday 29 June 2013

Beauty with a prepuce

For years, I had sworn never to attend our local beauty contest, even if I were to be paid for. Well, guess what? There I was in the middle of the crowd at J&J auditorium tonight to watch the Miss Mauritius beauty pageant just because my friend Daniel did not want to go alone. I desperately tried not to be cynical but it was to no avail, I couldn't resist it. Let me appeal to my compassionate heart. The organization was good, the contenders seemed promising, the entertainment by Club Med was of standard level and I was about to review my prejudiced opinion & swallow my past judgements until the girls reached the final round of questions.


To a question relating to road safety measures and the reduction of accidents on our roads one Miss missed the train when she started to elaborate about her studies in London and how thankful she was towards the organisation, how much the country had evolved, that we were the tiger of the indian ocean bla bla bla, then around the very end  mentioned something about busses blocking the road in the morning,  something completely incoherent and nonsensical that the whole nation is still trying to decipher.

This whole round of answers tangoed between pathetic and comical and to me with none of the contenders for the crown understanding the concept of beauty with a purpose. Beauty with a prepuce to hide their brains in would have sounded more appropriate, especially when the freshly crowned queen expressed how 'émuse' she was while being elected.

Ayo mama, fouf! Never again...never, I say!


Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins: cinq minutes à pieds pour ...