Sunday 9 June 2013

Holidays in Cape Town

Just came back from a spree in Cape Town. Holidays or holy days as I would rather call it.
it was cold and at times rainy making the town even more special to my eyes. countless little moments which i can hardly describe here (a lunch under the winter sun in company garden, obviously in the good company of...squirrels, breathtaking views from cape point and table mountain, exquisite wine and cheese tastings with my best friend in the wine lands, a memorable drive at 165kms from Ceres, enjoying being a crazy zingarian for an evening, smoking pot, struggling with a dysfunctional gps which brought us back to the airport one evening...)

Being away for a few days made me realize how short life is and think about all the things that I would like to fix before leaving and which I unfortunately can't. As I observed my friend earnestly rebuilding a broken relationship, I could not help but stare at my own failures. If success in life is about timing, dosage and equilibrium, about patience, wisdom and detachment, how come I have learned so little in all these years? why is it that knowledge too often implies suffering? do we really need to suffer to grow? is there no other path to attaining wisdom than stumbling, falling and...crashing? is it ever safer just  to give up or does one need to die trying making amends?

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