Saturday 26 January 2013

Good wine is a good familiar creature, if it be well used - Shakespeare

Othello, Act 2 Scene 3

Late lunch on my own in a coffee shop on a saturday afternoon and I feel like a debauché.
I lean against the table and let my mind set adrift. The waiter brings me the sunset in a cup like in dickinson's poem and it tastes like an air of remembrance, the sweetish / sour-ishness of teenage years. ahem,ahem, i was once young.

My favorite Beatles tune playing in the background, strawberry fields for ever. The restaurant manager tells me more about the song, how Lennon donated money to a convent or orphanage called strawberry fields where he used to stroll by when he was young. this makes my day, someone at last talking Beatles.

I'm finding it hard to connect to people around me these days, I feel alienated and misunderstood at different levels. I don't share the same tastes and opinions of any person in my close environment and I simply cannot connect with any of them. Am I an old fart who lectures people or a mentor who gives advice? probably both, depending on the recipient at the end of the line.

That said, à quoi bon essayer de se suffire à soi même? croire à une nouvelle aube et à la sérénité et l'espoir qu'elle pourrait, qu'elle devrait porter. Pourquoi continuer à croire que tout n'est qu'évidence quand tel n'est plus le cas? je pourrais évoquer une rédemption afin de me tirer d'affaire mais soyons honnête, je m'invente simplement une réalité parallèle afin de me sentir mieux dans ma peau.

J'ai envie d'être et je n'ai plus envie d'être à la fois.

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