Sunday 29 December 2013

love, relationship, love, relationship, love, rela....

Love is love.It is a but a mere emotion.Period.

Relationships on the other hand, oh my, what I can I tell you? They say they need to be healthy to work.As if, we didn't know that.
There are all sorts of theories on how to make a relationship work.Big words like honesty, accountability, trust, respect, equality and so on are evoked.Thing is, we all have our weaknesses and we sometimes fail to understand that love does not necessarily save the day.

The first half of the year saw me asking whether our relationship was enough to sustain love and the second part whether love was enough to sustain our relationship.We are hitting the 7 year itch, so will we make it? I don't have a damn idea.Is love still relevant? Yeah, most probably.

All I can do from my side is to hold on to values and freedom of thought.
What about romance in all that? Well, just another collateral damage.shit happens.

1 comment:

  1. Something as simple as having kempt hair, fresh breath, and well-fitting clothes can do absolute wonders for any relationship, aaron


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