Friday 14 March 2014

Stragedy (or how to take a leap from strategy to tragedy)

The FOCUS Formula is a system designed by Dr. Eric Brown to help you understand & properly apply the laws of life, transitioning you from a SURVIVING to a THRIVING mind-set. - This is what I read from a site recently.How far is this reliable? No idea.

Sometimes planning is not everything.You can almost design how you would like a situation to be but when feelings start taking the ascent you can be pretty sure that you are stuck into deep shit. I have various applications in my head which I need to download. One of them is 'Impute' or like Steve Jobs described in its leadership lessons 'to make sure you have the right package as people do judge a book by its cover'.
I have done so much imputing lately, trying to look nice, sound nice, be nice and win back some attention that I distorted my reality completely.

Truth is...I am an asshole.

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