Wednesday 31 July 2019

Have I ever missed the starting gun in my life?

My drive to the office in the morning is the moment usually dedicated to mantras and reflection. It feels like the only part of the day where I treat myself to auspicious vibes and don’t have to worry about any in-between chores. This morning, however, witnessed a different me who swapped to nostalgia mode thinking about this past decade which has gone by in my life. A background music played in my head: 'Glasgow love theme' by Craig Armstrong. It got me thinking about the highlights of each and every year that has gone by since 2009.

2009: Passing away of Dad
2010: Trip to India with Mike
2011: Employee of the year award with a bittersweet taste
2012: Earthquake at Solis + trip to KL/Singapore with Shaf
2013: Trip to Cape Town with Patrice
2014: The sad year / All the stages leading to the end of a story
2015: Earthquake at BAI + break up + quitting my job
2016: Vimla + Rogers / Blue Sky
2017: New York + New Job + New Beginning
2018: Kids departing + Nepal +  a new bond
2019: Rodrigues + JIOI + Antish

Vimla and I always talk about the precious human rebirth, how short spanned a human life is and how important it is to feed it with values and principles and enhance its quality by indulging into different practices.

I have always considered my life to be an ordinary one but with a lot of extras, like the toppings that you sprinkle over an ice-cream.

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