Thursday 18 March 2021

The Ides of March

 My brother-in-law was born on the 15th of March and he always refers to his special date by saying: "Beware the ides of March!" in that very theatrical shakespearean manner, just like in Julius Caesar. My sister and him have been married for the past 30 years and I've always found it amazing how well we get along. I can't ever recall getting into any fight, dispute or serious argument with him. There are, of course, a few subjects and topics where our opinions differ and even serious issues where we can not get to see eye-to-eye but all in all we always make sure that our discussions do not degenerate to the point of becoming embarrassing. That probably has to do with the fact that, despite both of us being quite opiniated and pretty much stubborn, we are both of non-conflictual temperament and we understand and appreciate each other's character. I was a teenager when my sister got married and it seems like yesterday. 

These days I often surprise myself thinking about all these seasons of my life gone by, how light and colorful they have been, a palette of misty hues and strong colors, depending on the years; the childhood years which I call the spring of my life, protected by the walls of parental love where yellow and orange predominated, then summer and its hazes of adventure and curiosity, experimenting with romance and sex ( red, scarlet red) and now beginning of autumn where softer tones (beige and caramel) keep me alive, where pure love is all that matters. Soon enough winter will come and who knows whether it will be icy grey or bright silver? All me to decide maybe. For now all I know is that the global health crisis has thrown us abruptly into a new age, a new world, one of volatility and uncertainty where most people's comfort and safety bubble have suddenly exploded. I feel relieved and thankful that my unconventional mind has kept me safe from this blizzard so far but at the same time I cannot take things for granted. Luck has its limits and I am very much aware that a next crisis is always looming so I better roll my sleeves up and keep working hard at sustaining a healthy mindset.

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