Friday 15 April 2022


A candid and open-hearted conversation with my partner tonight could have degenerated into an openly heated one. There's such a thin line that separates the rational from the irrational when it comes to that common 'acquaintance' of ours, whose name will not be cited on this blog tonight. Antish has a solid and valid point and I am surprised at how clear headed he can be when expresses himself like that. I tend to play with words when I feel ambushed but not him, he will find a way to make his point and jeez is he good at that! 

I am very bad at lying or hiding things and unsurprisingly got caught red-handed last week. In trying to avoid some sulking which, in my opinion, was unnecessary and uncalled for, instant karma ferociously kicked in and things started taking an ugly turn. Now, eight days later, I am realizing that there is nothing minor or insignificant about this situation. This tiny omission of mine is giving way to long and reflective conversations which now stand as a test of how strong our relationship is. That my friend 'tolerates' the presence of my partner is not something to be ignored. It needs to be tackled with maturity and seriousness. And God knows I am navigating in the middle of troubled waters this time.

How many times have I had to make choices in my life, tough ones and honestly it is so infuriating and odd to feel I am back to square one again. Years have passed and I foolishly ask myself how I managed to find myself in that familiar position where I look around and realize that there is no one to blame except myself. Things are not going to get better if I do not act upon them.  I am aware it's a tough call but Antish is right, I cannot just sit there and watch things fall apart in our relationship. We've built something together, something rare and precious. The teachings that we receive enable us to be the couple that we are today, honest and mindful, strong and practical. What if we were to lose touch with dharma? Wouldn't it be the beginning of our downfall both as a couple and individually? 

Here's how the equation goes:

  • There's dharma
  • There's us
  • There's a 'teacher' in the middle whose teachings are a blessing but whose behavior has become somekind of a threat by obstinately refusing to acknowledge her flaws
Let's alter the situation a little, see the reaction and thereon decide how to manoeuvre.

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