Monday 26 November 2012

Strike a pose - Turning 40 this week

This week I'm hitting 40 and I've been in a deep reflective mood, trying to analyse how I was feeling. My little finger tells me that some people are expecting me to feel a bit low and depressed but truth is... I have never felt more fantastic :)

BRING IT ON! I can't wait to embrace the new decade which lies ahead. I have flown over that past one with a touch of arrogance, never worrying about avoiding being blunt and flaunting my cynicism in the face of people. I guess, I can say I am quite lucky I got all the way to this oasis safe and sound and I have to show gratitude to life for having kept me within the boundaries of health, love and comfort. At times I could even afford the luxury of wasting time and THAT is definitely an undisputed sign that I have been under the protection of the gods.

Family, friends, frictions, flaws, frontiers, flirts, foundations, fiasco, foresight, forgiveness, footprints, fantasies, forthright, forward, freedom, frantic, fulfilling, foolish, feelings are just a few superlatives to translate two words: FORTY & FABULOUS! Abso-Fucking-lutely no regrets.

What the future holds in prospect for me? I don't know and honestly do I need bother? As long as there is giving / sharing / poetry / understanding / compassion / detachment , I am confident I shall never tread on broken glass

 Special dedication to a world full of dumb-asses: My heartbeat @ 40!

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Douze petites minutes

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