Sunday 23 June 2013

Grosse envie d'écrire ce soir mais ne sais pas quoi écrire. zero inspiration + zero talent, on ne va pas bien loin avec. je me suis dit qu'un verre de vin rouge et de la bonne musique ne seraient pas de trop pour voir où me mèneront mes doigts.Un red blend et le streetbeat de david hewitt donc pour m'accompagner. 03 minutes de pur bonheur, de délice enivrant.Je lève mon verre à ma reflection dans le mirroir, ce moment m'appartient, il est à moi et à personne d'autre.
soyons fous chère âme, cher coeur, cher esprit:
If you know how to make me laugh, why do you make me cry? your tainted violet hand touches mine and i long to secretly live inside your pocket where everyday you will look for me. you will find me though you will not love me.there is no north,south,east,west inside a pocket, just darkness and day your clothes will get old and you will throw them away forgetting me inside the pocket. who will be to blame? you? for getting me in there as a one time favorite distraction or me for having chosen to be there to entertain you?
i have been in so many pockets, each time loving to be there. some clothes got old and used while others never ran out of fashion. i would like to think my place is in a tuxedo but the comfy smell of an old pair of pyjamas suits me perfectly.what matters is that the pocket is close to the heart which i will warm night and day.

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