Saturday 14 March 2015

Happy Birthday Mike - Life is a triracle

Let us define a miracle like as an event with a 1 in 1,000,000 chance of happening.Then a triracle would be an event with a trillionth chance.
Well, guess what? You made it there my friend. You are the only person I know who has been able to live spherically in all directions when we were all struggling to tread on one path.
At 40, the best is yet to come and you better re-fuel fast as other frontiers still remain to be explored.
Mike, you have been endowed with an infallible flair, great sensitivity and powerful dynamism. Have you ever stopped and considered that you have a dynamite package there?
Your time has come to be celebrated and loved and no matter what issues people have in their lives, do not let yourself be defined through their eyes. I know how important family is to you and your girls love you more than you could ever imagine.

1 comment:

  1. You have always been the glowing star in my life, showing me sometimes the way in the dark. Beeing my landmark in the deserts and the oceans.

    I am no more afraid ! I am opening the sails again, determine to take my time and enjoy each and every single time of my life as I know you will always be there my friendly star.


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