Wednesday 1 March 2017

Lil' things

Heard in the toilets of Bagatelle yesterday, a guy clearing his throat in the most gross, shameless, scabrous way ever. He had to go and reach deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep within to make that frightful sound which can easily put to shame the T-Rex from Jurassic Park. Mr Phlegmy, you almost had my ear torn off. I admit I could not stop laughing. Actually, I still can't, else I would not be mentioning it here. I am thinking how I would describe this to Mike in our next conversation. Whenever there is a lull in our strained conversations, we just crack up silly jokes to relieve the tension.

The sun and heat has become a constant in our lives these days. I can't recall when I last experienced walking under heavy rainfall, the one which lasts for hours. The heat is uncomfortable but the starry nights have never been so luminous and beautiful. Every night, I sit outside for ten minutes and I lose myself to the sky, allowing my eyes to travel many millions of miles until they reach other galaxies.

The rhythm of my life has changed since Vimla has appeared in it last year. We spend most of our free time going for long drives and taking pictures from all impossible angles. Sometimes we pause and talk to perfect strangers or even take a snap with them. Her presence reassures me about not being the only crazy creature on earth.I know I can be understood when I say things like " Do you think that if I go and talk to that tree over there, it will reply to me?" Unhesitatingly she will answer " What are you waiting for? Go, hug it warmly and ask it how it is doing." -  when insanity meets madness...

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Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins: cinq minutes à pieds pour ...