Sunday 26 January 2020

This heart of mine

The more absurd the world seems to appear these days, the more delightful our relationship is turning to be.

That little god, he makes my heart smile all the time.

When I drop him at night and drive all the way home, my feet dance, my fingers do the hand-jive to imaginary music and I start humming too. The scenery disappears in the night and from my inner being emanates an almost palpable feeling that my life belongs here to this country and to this being. The true meaning of home lies in our true identity and it's been long since I found mine. His presence in my life however has brought me the coziness of a shelter I had been longing for. My thoughts don't race anymore, they go at a steady pace as I resolve to a life that has become a process which cannot be hurried, one which involves nurturing and caring for someone in the most delicate manner.

I used to go to bed fantasizing about the different destinations I had yet to discover. There was a scent each one had, a flavor, a vibrancy, something which would drive my senses to ecstasy. Now, I can't imagine going to these places without him by my side. It would simply feel an incomplete experience not seeing that surprised look on his face as he watches the world unfold its secrets to him.

I think it is a perilous adventure to locate oneself in this world but in good company, fear becomes an abstract feeling, something which does not matter that much.

Until now, I had always taken pride in leading a simple yet fulfilling life. Never had I imagined how deep and meaningful it also could be...

This heart of mine was made to travel the world with you

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