Wednesday 23 March 2022


Uninspired and with a brain on strike, can't be bothered about finding a title to this post. To some it may sound solemn but I actually can't think of anything else as subject. No particular stuff that I want to write about either, just throwing in something before April marches in.

First post on LinkedIn for professional reasons and  I wrote about responsibility, a topic we have tackled in class last Saturday. I must admit I did feel guilty pleasure writing it.

Meditation classes have resumed on Wednesdays at the center and it's a good thing that we go. It strengthens our bond and bring yet another dimension to our relationship. Antish & I live like an old couple (in the good sense of the term) doing 'activities' together. It's funny, positive and healthy. I don't know the constraints and restrictions that await us in the future but for the time being we try to make the most of everything. I always say that it is a luxury to be able to go to the movies, eat around the street corner, go to the beach, meet family members, all that in a sane and beautiful environment. War reminds us everyday of how privileged we are. We dedicate our merits to the people of both Ukraine and Russia and we pray for this carnage to stop soon. From a Buddhist perspective, I cannot think about what is happening as fair or unfair. And no, I do not use karma as an excuse to explain things. I am a firm believer in the law of cause and effect and I get it that the world is going where it's meant to go, that purification prayers and helping in whatever way we can is the only path to help settle things for this moment.

Not later than yesterday afternoon we were talking in the car about how difficult it is to remain on a spiritual path, at how easily we could derail at any moment. We keep witnessing numerous examples around us and we are conscious that we are not exempt from giving in to the temptations of worldly pleasures, to sloth and torpor present in so many aspects of our very own lives. Being in daily contact with the teachings is the only constant that allows us to remain cool headed, to keep us away from the dangers of our environment. At the same time, the very reflection of my own well-being conveys me with a sense of superiority to others. Instead of feeling different, I think of myself as being better and I can't fight it. There is tremendous work for me to accomplish before I even learn about what humility is. I pray that writing about it here could be the starting point of something impactful though.

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