Friday 25 March 2022

Published and Unread

I have been reading posts from my fellow colleagues on LinkedIn and there is one which struck me particularly by the sheer authenticity of its content; 'Lessons from an unpublished draft' by Deepa.  Beautifully penned, it encourages me to venture into an unfamiliar terrain. 

See, I am no writer. I wish I was but I am not. But the way Deepa went, giving a handful of useful tips about this whole process of writing echoed in me, with  #7 being the point which brought a smile to my lips: ' You can't please're not chai', a punchline which I suppose sums up pretty well the wit and humor that characterizes her. I know I shouldn't compare myself to others but jeez, wouldn't it be nice if I could come up with punchlines or witty formulas like that?

I keep reading that article over and over again and I tell myself that maybe I should keep publishing on LinkedIn too. It would be taking the risk of being exposed to scrutiny  but hey, a man's gotta do what he's gotta do to exist on a network. I know, one just cannot throw anything in there. Drama and emotions are for FB, whereas on Linked things need to be thought provoking, as Akhi would put it, otherwise what's the use of posting? Writing to exercise style would not be of no appeal.

This blog is where I publish my thoughts and they remain unread with the exception of Antish who reads everything, not because he finds what I write particularly interesting but because he is my partner and somehow feels that he needs to show support. Occasionally, he needs to check what's going inside my bloody head too. Being too aware that I am unable to grow enough thick-skin to appreciate criticism about thoughts that I lay here, I have never looked for an audience as such. I know it might sound paradoxical to write on public space and at the same time thoroughly enjoy not being read, well, that's me, the guy who goes out there without going out there

Maybe it's time I pull my shit together and start caring, if I want to move forward professionally. Maybe it's time I ask myself whether my writing skill has evolved over this past decade.

'Write to express not to impress'. That one I can easily remember I think.

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