Sunday 10 October 2010

Defining parameters

Sometimes I ask myself to what extent I should keep defining parameters about how to behave socially. Would it not be easier to simply  leave it to sheer improvisation all the time? So far, improvisation has allowed me to explore rather freely the different corners of love, sex, attachment/detachment and my fuck them all attitude has quite frankly helped in spicing up what could have easily turned out to be a monotonous existence. Okay, okay, improvisation  can, at times, be synonymous to taking risks and playing with fire and I did burn my wings often but, all in all, it was worth the ride.

On the other side, defining my social parameters, always implies ' playing it safely' and making sure that everyone is contented and happy at the end of the day. In such cases I have to constantly regulate my comfort zone and review my paradigms so as to fit in people's criteria and not be perceived as a pariah.  After all, who likes to become an outcast? These are the times when I have to shut my fuck them all attitude in the closet and learn to accept the fact that people who are not like me are neither wrong or right. It just happens that they are simply different and I have to adjust. Being accommodating, however, is not always easy as people can often be mean and talk faster than they think.

Defining parameters is one thing, abiding by them is another. I think I'd rather try being innovative. yes, innovation provides with a great feeling of freedom.

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