Wednesday 6 August 2014

The born strategist

My friend Ziyad is here on holidays.
He is quite a character. Cool as fresh coconut milk, delicate as silk, complex as a true piscean, he is calculating yet innocent-looking. Ziyad is a maze, an intricate maze, never outdone when it comes to casting mystic spells and with his alluring ways I quite understand that he keeps charming everyone around.
I just came to realise how much I miss him.We used to laugh together. I miss laughing with him.He appears to be overdramatic at times but all in all, I sincerely think he is looking for security.His loyalties are few and linked only to himself but he should learn that life is not only a one-way street and that giving is as important as receiving.
I have to admit that I admire his ingenuity though. I tend to think that we recognize each other with that mischievous spark in our eyes.
Way to go, man! Sa zom!

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