Tuesday 12 August 2014

The object of my affection

Driving Sid to school in the morning is quite an experience. He is 17, a horny teenager - like any other - whose only focus is football, cars & girls. I love these minutes spent in the car together, where I awkwardly try to inculcate him some values and he hardly listens to me. Actually, I never know whether he is interested in what I am saying but the affectionate way he calls me bomm lets me guess that he does. In a teenager's vocabulary bomm can be translated into a 100 different ways. It all comes down to the intonation used in the voice. It could mean:
  • loser
  • yeah, yeah
  • okay
  • I hear you
  • thanks for the advice
  • thanks for driving me
  • you're cool
  • I won't do it again
  • fuck off
  • I need to ask you something
Sid's brutal, honest, blunt, truthful replies often surprise me.His adamant ways mixed with his perseverance and enthusiastic straightforwardness makes him a little male. I am secretly envious of his over-confidence and at the same time worried by his proneness to be stubborn. I just like to think that all teenagers are stubborn but with time become more reasonable and eventually learn from their mistakes.Given love and support (and with that innate sense of determination of his), I remain confident that he will reach the stratosphere in whatever he plans to do.
Sid, man, you're growing up too fast & aagghhh! how I wish I could enjoy the kid in you for a little while longer... Come what may, I love you just the way you are. You will forever remain my favorite bomm.


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