Tuesday 23 October 2012

Unraveling the mysteries of life after an odd night

I woke up this morning after an odd night, locked in the claws of bad dreams.I am so ever thankful that my life is not a David Lynch movie & that freedom can be found in the form of psychedelic music - Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band set me right back where I belonged. Although my whistling mind is telling me that there is no fashionable answer to frustrating thoughts, methinks that the right dosage of psychedelic music really helps in the healing process.I wish I could say that days of 'bling bling' are passé and that sophistication is back,alas! my thirst for something crispy yet delicate will, I am afraid, remain unquenched.

I need to see Patrice soon.There is so much to talk about when I am with him, even our silences are stimulating. Our cynicism has brought me to conclude that we are more 'partners in crime' than friends, isn't that great? I have found someone with whom I can deliciously be wicked without feeling guilty.

Son côté irrévérencieux me fascine et m'inspire et il est le seul à avoir compris avant tout le monde que souffrir pour souffrir, autant le faire avec classe.Je me demande bien quel rôle lui attribuer sous mon grand chapiteau? celui du lanceur de couteaux , celui d'équilibriste ou encore celui du jongleur? all would suit him so perfectly well - jack of all trades and master of all. He would still lack the alacrity of the clown though. but then, wouldn't that be me?

I rest my case, unarguably partners in crime.

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