Saturday 16 March 2013

The long elated wait

My life belongs to a friend called Death. I was part of the luggage that he carried to the other side when he accidentally dropped me. I guess he forgot to come back. Or was I probably like the excess luggage that we choose to leave behind?

His foolishness, my curse.

The long elated wait is now coming to an end.My friend will soon be back.He knows that I have outwalked the furthest miles, unable to find what I have been looking for.

No, I did not find humanity within me and I am ashamed to leave knowing that I did not do my best.It's sad to fail so miserably.

Death is nothing more than a travel companion to whom I forsake my soul. He does not speak, he does not listen, he does not judge.I guess I can say that I am lucky, the journey will be a quiet one.

I had hoped to leave with a smile.hard luck.

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