Thursday 14 April 2016

Loving life, loving my life

I read some of my earlier posts and it made me realize that being in a low last year did not prevent me from loving life. Is it because I am used to loving people, no matter what, that I am always in such a state? maybe.
I like being this normal, average guy with an uncomplicated, simple existence. It is hard but compelling to be yourself all the way down the line, a real luxury.
When I have to cry, I look back at my sentimental life. When I have to laugh, I look back at my sentimental life too. This is awesome.
Boris told me that his only ambition in life is to be a good person and to do good around him.The guy is 19. What more is there to add?  I guess life has a funny way of teaching us lessons over and over again. Sometimes they take the form of 19 year old lads with class.
Loving life is way more interesting than loving my life.


Douze petites minutes

Quatre rues séparent ma maison de C hez Ram où trois pains maison chauds chauds  m'attendent tous les matins: cinq minutes à pieds pour ...