Saturday 23 April 2016

The beat up story, yummy cheesecake and funny people

I just came back from a splendid evening at Lux* Grand Gaube. Lavish decor, delicious food at the buffet where incidentally I happened to taste the best cheesecake ever. I was my friend Vimla's beard for the evening and during the whole hour of drive it took us to get to the north, she recounted to me in full details how she beat up a man with the handle of a pickaxe in front of her door this past week. She beat the guy so hard that she broke his arm and left him completely in blood. That followed with the trashing of his van until there was hardly anything left of the vehicle when she was done.The neighbors were panicked, the police came, an investigation was opened, insults and death threats were thrown on one side and the other and it took her 6 hours to get back her composure. I will spare the details of the ugly circumstances which brought her to such an utter state of wrath but I will say that I was downright shocked at this tale given that Vimla is the one who introduced me to buddhism meditation. For 2-3 years I attended her guided meditation classes where I was taught to generate compassion, led to the concept of the middle path and introduced to the practice of detachment. Vimla has been doing meditation for the past 25 years.She has even been called for a private audience with the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala many years ago. One incident and how easy to get you off track.

Cette semaine Pat aussi m'a rendu visite et m'a confié qu'une énième discussion stérile avait fini par avoir raison de sa patience et  il en résulta qu'un acte d'exaspération avait fini par se traduire en geste inopportun. Lui qui est d'ordinaire si calme et raisonné, cette réaction m'a étonnée de sa part.Qu'est-ce que je suis sensé penser de tout cela? It's 4am, I can't sleep and all this appear very weird to me.

A table ce soir, l'homme assis à ma gauche est revenu du buffet trois fois avec une assiette à chaque fois plus garnie que la précedente pour ensuite me lancer d'un ton désinvolte " C'est bien, je n'ai pas trop mangé.Vous savez, je suis quelqu'un doté d'un appétit restreint". Pratiquement au même moment la dame à ma droite se lève pour repartir vers la table des desserts en me disant avec un grand sourire: "Ces camarons sont vraiment délicieux. Je vais en reprendre quelques-uns". Elle faisait allusion aux macarons.

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