Thursday 23 September 2010

Sailing into the unknown.

Everyday I sail into the unknown. Although the day starts with a set agenda of duties, tasks and chores to be performed hour after hour, some questions still arise about the whys and the wherefores of me performing them. Of course, part of the answer lies in the fact that I need to earn a living, look after my family and loved ones, etc, etc... Truth is, this answer does not satisfy me completely and there is this annoying feeling that  some stones are left unturned.
Getting back to my initial statement, I mean that I am a sailor on an unknown sea doing things I have to do as a human being but not understanding the purpose of it. I live, experience joy and pain, sometimes encounter with bliss and terrible sufferings, face problems, find solutions to them, all that to eventually die one day. At life's dusk I know I will never find the answer to that ultimate question of what my purpose on earth was. This might seem frightening but then, why should I bother so much about it? It must probably form part of what many call the great Mystery. I do not really have any "duty" to perform on earth except that of following my dreams and enjoying every single minute of what life has to offer.
Though it's all up to god, my lil' finger tells me that he'd be pretty cool about that and would not mind letting me having it my way :)

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