Sunday 20 September 2015

I smell karma in the air

Meeting with Naushad has avoided me a session with the shrink, isn't that cool? Listening to him was like hearing myself talk and provided me with a better insight on my state of being and mindset. True that I was about to write an angry letter to karma to inform him that I had a list of persons that he had missed and that it would be unfair not to do me justice but after my conversation with Naushad, I retracted and came back to more reasonable feelings. There is no rush anyway, my friend karma knows the time to strike is nearing.

I spent part of morning dancing on salsa music. I have switched to soulful ballads this evening.
I have always believed that certain hours of the day need to be associated with specific types of music.My musical agenda is usually set as follows:

Saturday morning = 80s dance music / evening = classic rock
Sunday morning= Salsa / evening = slow jam
Monday morning = Sega / evening = café de paris
Tuesday morning = Bossa Nova / evening = bollywood
Wednesday morning =  90s hits / evening = classical music
Thursday morning = Hard rock / evening = old school funk and soul
Friday morning = 60s rock hits / evening = smooth mellow jazz

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Douze petites minutes

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