Monday 21 September 2015

My Role Models

When I was a very young my role model was Simla. Then, in my teenage years I met Vicky, a guy who seemed to have it all, kindness, generosity, poise and smart-ass attitude, things that inspired me so much that I emulated him. Undoubtedly both Simla and Vicky had a huge impact on me. Along the years, although we only sporadically kept in touch, I always had them in mind when faced with an unexpected situation, asking myself how they have would reacted had they been in my shoes and I must say that this got helped me get out of quite a few traps.

Today I decided to pay a visit to Vicky. The last time we had a conversation was in 2009 when he came for dad's funeral. I heard that Vicky's sister, Devika passed away two months ago and I came to know about this sad news only very recently. It was only normal that I paid him a visit. Well, I left his place with exactly that same feeling I had when I was a teenager; an indescribable impression of happiness. My face was glowing with a smile and I was amazed by how he still succeeded in instilling this positive vibe in me simply by being his natural self. I remember trying to copy his qualities and mimic them as much as I could. I never told Vicky how much he had a massive influence on my emotional quotient and never thanked him for igniting that passion for life in me. I guess some things are better left unspoken in order not to spoil the magic.

If today I don't feel blank when it comes to asking myself what my life is really about or what I would like to be acknowledged for before I die, I have to be grateful to Simla and Vicky. They truly did a great job in helping me answer these questions.

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